Computer Fundamental


1) Multimedia: is the combination of multiple media such as text, images, video, animation and audio.

2) Uses of Multimedia are:
a) It is used to make information more interesting, informative and easy to understand.
b) It is used to create 3D effects for the artificial world.
c) It is used to make/compile information with audio, text, animation, graphics etc.

3) Elements of Multimedia are:
a) Text: is the written form of information using different characters, colors etc. Text is used to write title and explanation contents.
b) Audio/ Sound: is the narrative or sound/ musical information.
c) Graphics: is the creation and manipulation of images/ shapes in the computer.
d) Animation: is the moving feature of information used to make information more interesting.
e) Video: is the technology of electronically capturing, recording, string and processing still images and presenting in motion.

4) The Hardware required for multimedia are:
Computing devices
Keyboard and mouse
Digital camera
Memory & devices etc.

5) Software that requires for multimedia:
Graphics & Painting Software
Video/Photo editing software
Presentation Software etc.

Application (Uses) of Multimedia:
a) Multimedia in Education and Timing: It is used to create educational material and used to make education interesting and informative
b) Multimedia in Entertainment: It is used to create interesting videos, cartoons and compose different musics.
c) Multimedia in Advertisement: It is used to create interesting advertisements by animating objects and things
d) Multimedia in Software Taman Training: It is used to create interesting and attractive logos and icons for software instead of text.
e) Multimedia in Business: It is used to do online business, design covers etc.
f) Multimedia in Industrial sectors: It is used to design and prepare any products and search marketplaces.

7) Video conferencing: is the transmission of video /images and sound between different dispersed people.

8) VR (Virtual Reality): is a 3D computer generated environment which can be explored and interacted interacted with a person

Computer Viruses

Computer virus : is a destructive type of software having the ability to replicate, attach itself without user’s knowledge and infects computer resources. A virus is a type of malware that copies itself in order to spread to other devices.

Malware: is a type of malicious software or code created to infect or to harm to a computer. Malware, or malicious software, is any program or file that is intentionally harmful to a computer, network or server.

Malicious software includes: : computer viruses, worms, trojan horse, ransomware, spyware, adware, rogue software, wiper and scareware etc.

Common properties / features of computer viruses:

It can be attached itself to any healthy program
It can replicate (reproduce)
It harms computer resources
It disturbs in functioning of computer systems etc.

Computer virus is one of the intellectual properties of a programmer. It is designed by two types of people called hacker and cracker.

Hacker: is a programmer who have ability to get access to enter into any computer system. Hacker may have good or bad purposes (basically good purposes) and do not harm system.

Cracker: is someone who breaks into the system with a malicious purpose and damages data.

Types of Computer System:

Boot sector virus: is the software that infects the booting disk / operating system. Eg. Disk killer, Stoned and Michelangelo etc.

File-Infecting virus: is the type of virus that infects executable file or program having extension .exe, .sys, .com, .ovl, .dll etc. E.g. Enigma, nemesis, Friday the 13th etc.

Macro virus: is a software that is encoded as part of a document commonly found in application software such as Word, Excel etc. E.g. W97M.Melissa and WM.NiceDay.

Script virus: is a virus that uses interpretative programming languages that changes the language of the document.

Stealth virus: is a software that uses various techniques and mechanisms to hide its presence or detection by antivirus software. E.g. Whale, Joshi, Frodo etc.

Multipartite Virus : is the virus that can infect multiple parts of a system including memory, files, and boot sector which makes it difficult to contain.

Parasitic virus: is the virus that attach itself to program and gets activated when program is launched/ opened.

Ransomware: that encrypts or disables victim’s access to data until ransom is paid. E.g. RYUK.

Fileless malware: that makes changes to files that are native to the OS. E.g. Astaroth.

Spyware: is the virus that collects user activity data without user’s knowledge. E.g DarkHotel, Darkweb etc.

Adware: is a software that serves unwanted advertisements. E.g. Fireball

Viruses can be spread several ways, including via networks, discs, email attachments or external storage devices like USB sticks.

Tips for safe computing:

Always scan files or software before download or /and use.
Scan email attachments before opening it.
Update your operating system and antivirus periodically.
Always turn on firewall and defender.
Never download or / and install pirated software and unknown files.
Avoid clicking on pop-up advertisements and get a pop-up blocker for your web browser.
Install a reliable anti-virus program and always keep it up to date.

Symptoms of Virus infected computer:

Computer takes more time to operate, suddenly or frequently shutdown.
Frequent freezing or crashing.
Modified or deleted files.
New programs or desktop icons that you do not recall installing/creating.
Programs running without your consent.
Programs closing without your consent.
Decreases the space in memory or storage capacity. Etc.

Antivirus: is a kind of software used to prevent, scan, detect and delete viruses from a computer.


Internet : is the largest network of different networks globally connected all over the world for information sharing.

Major services of Internet are:
1. www (World Wide Web): is a collection of websites or web pages stored in web servers and connected to local computers through the internet.
2. Email: Internet allows to send and receive mail, information, files in individual or group.
3. Chat: Internet provides cheapest, fastest and reliable communication.
4. Entertainment: Internet allows to play interactive multimedia videos, games etc.
5. E-commerce: Internet acts as virtual market place.
6. E-learning: Internet acts as virtual plate form for education and training online. Etc.

Advantages of Internet:
a. Internet provides cheapest, fastest and reliable communication.
b. It provides various plate forms to access information, knowledge.
c. It allows to compile, store, share information.
d. Internet acts as virtual market place.
e. Internet acts as virtual plate form for education and training online.
f. Internet allows to play interactive multimedia videos, games etc.

Disadvantages of Internet:
a. It causes various cyber frauds and crimes.
b. Unsuitable and undesirable material available.
c. Must of the information may be incorrect and irrelevant.
d. It may kill our productive time, and causes various health problems.
e. It causes in spreading viruses. Etc.


Internet of Things (IoT): is a computing concept that describes the idea of everyday physical objects being connected to the internet and being able to identify themselves to other devices. The Internet of things (IoT) describes physical objects (or groups of such objects) with sensors, processing ability, software, and other technologies that connect and exchange data with other devices and systems over the Internet or other communications networks. IoT, is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals or people that are provided with unique identifiers (UIDs) and the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction.

Internet Television (web TV):
is the process of broadcasting or delivering televised content to end user computing devices over the Internet.

How does Internet work?

InternetThe internet is a worldwide computer network that transmits a variety of data and media across interconnected devices. It works by using a packet routing network that follows Internet Protocol (IP) and Transport Control Protocol (TCP). TCP and IP work together to ensure that data transmission across the internet.

Way to connect the Internet:

There are mainly three ways to connect to the Internet:
a. Through Dial-up connection: is a temporary connection, set up between your computer and ISP (Internet Service Provider). It uses a modem which uses telephone line to dial up the number of ISP server.
b. Through Broadband Connection: is a high bandwidth connection to the Internet. It is easier and faster to use and it can be provided over phone line, via cable or via satellite. Some Standard broadband technologies are: ISDN, ADSL, Cable net etc.
c. Through Wireless Connection: Wireless broadband internet service provides the ability to access the internet wirelessly from any location within the service's coverage area. Wireless Internet is delivered through radio waves or satellite signals. Two most common ways to connect to the Internet wirelessly are:
1. WiFi (Wireless Fidelity): is a popular wireless networking technology that uses radio waves to provide wireless high-speed connections. It operates at a frequency of 2.4GHz. The requirement of WiFi are:
i. Broadband Internet connection
ii. Wireless router
iii. Computer with wireless card/adapter
2. WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access): is a standard for high-speed broadband Internet access over a wireless connection. It can be used to provide fast and free Internet access to entire cities up to 50 kilometers using towers.

Difference between WiFi and WiMAX:

Difference between WiFi and WiMAX:

Uses of Internet:

Uses of Internet:
a. Communication: Internet connects people across different parts of the world free and fast and provides faster, cheaper and reliable means of communication such as Voice, chat, website etc.
b. Online business (e-commerce): Internet is used for online advertising, selling, buying, distributing products and providing services.
c. Online banking (transaction): Internet is used sending and receiving online transaction, banking process and access financial database etc.
d. E-mail: Internet allows to send and receive mail, information, files in individual or group.
e. E-learning (electronic learning): is the process of learning or sharing knowledge through Internet. It is the delivery of learning and training through digital resources. Some features of E-learning are:
I. Environment-friendly
II. Accommodates everyone’s needs
III. Scalability
IV. Consistency
V. Cheaper etc.
f. Research & Development
g. Tour & Travel
h. Online ticketing, booking, reservation etc.


Email: is the method of transmitting data, text files, digital photos, videos from one computer to another over the Internet. E-mail is a method of composing, sending and receiving message over Internet communication system. We need Internet connected device, email address of both sender and receiver, subject and message to use E-mail services.

Advantages of E-mail:
1. Email is the cheapest mode of communication.
2. It is a faster and easier means to deliver messages, files.
3. We can attach any types of information, files.
4. We can send email individual or in group. Etc.

How does e-mail work?

E-mail systems are based on a store-and-forward model in which computer server system accept, store, forward and deliver message (email) for the users.
A complete e-mail address is made up of two parts: The first part identifies the user’s name to whom the mail is to be sent called username and second part represents domain name of the server or host on which the user has an account called host name. These two parts are separated by a @ symbol. e.g. [email protected].

Free Email:

Free Email: is the email address for free service provided free of cost by some commercial website such as gmail, yahoo, outlook, protonmail etc.

www (World Wide Web):

www (World Wide Web): is the leading information-exchange service of the Internet that contains collection of websites having graphical interface and multimedia capabilities. It was developed by Tim Bernners-Lee in 1990s.

What is social network?

Social Network: is a website that brings people together to talk, share ideas ad interests or make new friends. E.g. facebook, Instagram, google+ etc.


1. ICT: stands for Information and Communication Technology.

2. ICT: is the method to collect, compile/process (organize), store, share information.

3. ICT:is the study, development and application of computer-based information system using various hardware and software.

4. Advantages of ICT:
a. ICT makes communication better, faster, reliable and cheaper.
b. ICT makes information more interesting, informative and comprehensive.
c. ICT creates various opportunities and jobs.
d. ICT makes people creative, innovative and energetic in designing, arts, etc.
e. ICT makes world’s economy as a single interdependent system.
f. ICT helps to create and promote e-business.
g. ICT is used to create advanced and interesting educational /e-learning material and tools. Etc.

5. ICT tools: are the digital infrastructures such as computer system and resources.

6. ICT Hardware:
a. Image scanner: is a light-sensing device that translates images and pictures in digital form which can be manipulated.
b. Digital Camera: is a portable device to capture, store photographs electrically.
c. Voice input device: is the hardware that takes input (data) and convert into electric signals. E.g. Microphone, voice recorder etc.
d. Webcam: is a digital camera capable of downloading images to a computer for transmission over Internet.
e. Digital Projector: is an output device to display information in large screen.

7. ICT Software:
a. Word processing: is an application software designed to create, process and manage word information.
b. Presentation Software: is an application software designed to create presentation of ideas by stringing/ combining text, graphics, audio, animation and videos.
c. Spreadsheet Software: is an application software designed to organize, calculate, manipulate, analyze data in table and present in graphs (chart).
d. Graphics Software: is a software designed to create, produce, edit graphic images and video files.
e. Multimedia Software: is a software used to create animations, images, audio and video.
f. Database Software: is a software that manages, collect, store, update data in database.

Uses of ICT in different fields:

a. ICT in Education: ICT is used to prepare teaching and learning materials, notes and presentation more interesting, informative, interactive and easy to understand.

b. ICT in Entertainment: ICT is used to make, play, upload, download interactive games, videos, audios, animation etc.

c. ICT in Communication: ICT makes our communication faster, reliable, cheaper and standard and provides various modes of communication such as chat, email, video-call, video-conferencing etc.

d. ICT in Health care: ICT improves the delivery of health care services, information accessible, design better health program and improve health training and education.

e. ICT in Bank: ICT is used in banking for online transaction, enquiry of customer’s balance etc.

f. ICT in E-Commerce: E-Commerce (Electronic Commerce) describes the buying, selling, and exchanging of products, services and information via computer network. ICT is used in E-business for online advertisement, shopping, selling, banking, finding job, conducting an auction, and marketing etc.

g. ICT in Science: ICT is used in observing and collecting data, classifying and analyzing, modeling and simulating and speculating and theorizing.

9. Ethical Issues in Computing:

a. Ethics: is a set of moral principles that govern the behavior of a group or individual.
b. Cyber ethics: is a set of moral principles that regulates the use of computers.

10. The ten commandments issued by Cyber Ethics Institute are as follows:

a. Do not use a computer to harm other people.
b. Do not interfere with other people’s computer work.
c. Do not copy or use proprietary software for which you have not paid.
d. Do not look around in other people’s computer files.
e. Do not use a computer to steal.
f. Do not use a computer to bear false witness.
g. Do not use other people’s computer resources without authorization or proper compensation.
h. Do not use other people’s intellectual output.
i. Always think about the social consequences of the program you are writing or the system you are designing.
j. Always use a computer in ways that demonstrate consideration and respect for your fellow humans.


Graphic Softwareis a program that allows user to create and edit digital images and illusions. E.g. Paint, Adobe Photoshop etc.

Different graphic software are:
a) Paint Program: is a program designed to create and edit freehand drawing. E.g. Microsoft Paint, Photoshop etc.
b) Drawing Software: is a program designed to create arts in the computer.
c) Presentation Program: is a program designed to edit, animate and present graphics.

Features of Graphic Software:

Features of Graphic Software:
1. It provides various tools to create and edit digital images.
2. It helps to resize and rotate images into different size and positions.
3. It helps to crop (remove) unwanted parts.
4. It helps to flip images horizontally or vertically. Etc.

Paint Program:

Paint Program:
is a graphic software that allows to draw beautiful pictures and color them in the form of JPEG, GIF, PNG, TIFF etc.

Parts of MS-Paint window:
a. Quick Access Toolbar
b. Paint Button
c. Ribbon
d. Drawing Area

Drawing Tools:
1. Pencil Tool: acts as pencil and used to draw straight, wavy and curved lines.
2. Brush Tool: is used to draw freehand drawings using color brush.
3. Line Tool: is used to draw horizontal, vertical or slanting or straight lines.
4. Polygon Tool: is used to draw any shape with any number of slides.
5. Ellipse Tool: is used to draw ellipses or circles.
6. Rectangle Tool: is used to draw rectangles or squares.
7. Curve Tool: is used to draw curved lines.
8. Rounded Rectangle Tool: is used to draw rounded rectangle.
9. Eraser Tool: is used to fill shapes with colors.
10. Text Tool: is used to select the color of any portion of an image.

Resize command is used to change the size of the drawing.

Skew command is used to twist the drawing.

Flip command is used to create a mirror image of the picture either horizontally or vertically.

Rotate command is used to change the position of image at different angles.

Crop Toolis used to crop or remove the selected part of a picture.

Copy and Paste commands are used to copy the image from place and paste into another place(s).

Cut and Paste command is used to remove the selected data from its original place and paste it at another place(s).

Zoom In and Zoom Out is used to see a larger or smaller view of your image.


6 Answer the following questions in brief:
a. Name any three Word processing software.
Ans: Any three Word-processing software are: Microsoft Word, Word Perfect, Word pad

b. What is an insertion point?
Ans: Insertion point is a blinking line where we can insert characters. It is also called cursor.

c. What is a word wrap feature of Microsoft Word?
Ans: Word wrap feature of Microsoft word is a process of jumping text line into next line automatically after the completion of the line.

d. What is thesaurus?
Ans: Thesaurus is a reference tool that provides synonyms, antonyms words for a selected word or phrase.

e. What is the use of Format Painter in Microsoft Word?
Ans: Format Painter is a command tool that helps to copy formats to use in other areas of document without having to repeat the same steps.

Answer the following questions in detail

a. What is word processing?
Ans: Word Processing is an application software to write, edit, format, save and print text. E.g. Microsoft Word

b. State any three advantages of word processing.
Ans: The advantages of Word Processing:
  i. It provides various tools to format our documents to make standard.
  ii. It helps to check spelling and grammar and provides suggestions.
  iii. It helps to save and print documents.
  iv. It helps to manage images and pictures with text. et.

c. What are the five different document view option in Word 2013?
The five different document views option in Word 2013 are:
  i. Read Mode
  ii. Print Layout
  iii. Web Layout
  iv. Draft and
  v. Outline views.

d. Does Word have any feature to find and replace text? Give reason for your answer.
Ans: Yes, Word have a feature 'Find and Replace' which is used to find any word in the document and replace with any word.

e. What is a font? What are the different font style options available in Microsoft Word?
Ans: Font is a set of characters with a specific design which can be applied to your text. some font styles are: Arial, Arial Black, Calibri, Times new Roman etc.

f. What is a paragraph alignment? Name the different types of paragraph alignments available in Microsoft Word.
Ans: Paragraph alignment is the way to set text within margins.
Different types of paragraph alignments are:
 i) Left Align   ii) Right Align
iii) Justify Align   iv) Center Align

Line Spacing: is the vertical space between lines within a paragraph.

Paragraph spacing: is the vertical space between two paragraphs.

Stored Program Concept

Stored Program Concept: is a fundamental idea in computer architecture that revolutionized the way computers process information. It was first introduced by John von Neumann in the 1940s. The stored program concept states that a computer's program and data are stored in the computer's memory, and the computer can access and execute them as needed. This concept allows the computer to modify its own program, enabling dynamic changes to the program during execution. The stored program concept enables general-purpose computing, where a single computer can perform a wide range of tasks. It has also led to the development of more powerful and efficient computers, which have transformed the way we live and work.

Punch Cards

Punch Cards
Used to input, store, and process data
• Represents data by punching holes in predefined positions on cards
• Each card can store fixed amount of data
• Programs were written on punch cards
• Each card contained one line of code, and the sequence of cards formed the complete program
• Punch cards led to development of more advanced data storage and processing methods, including magnetic tapes and disks
• To read the data on punch cards, the card is inserted into the card reader which has a mechanism to hold the card in place securely.
• The presence of holes or the absence of holes is detected by the card reader which uses sensors.
• Each position corresponds to a bit of data in punch cards.
• The binary data read from card is processed accordingly.

ICT (Information and Communication Technology)

ICT (Information and Communication Technology) refers to the combination of computer technology, communication technology, and information technology to create a unified platform for collecting, processing, storing, and communicating (sharing) information using various resources. ICT has transformed the way we live, work, and communicate. It has enabled global connectivity, improved efficiency, and created new opportunities for economic growth and development.

ICT Components
Hardware: Computers, laptops, mobile devices, servers, and other physical components.
Software: Network Operating systems, applications, and programs that run on hardware.
Networks: Internet, intranets, extranets, and other communication networks.
Data: Information stored, processed, and transmitted through ICT systems.

Applications of ICT
Education: E-learning, online courses, and digital resources.
Business: E-commerce, online transactions, and digital marketing.
Healthcare: Telemedicine, electronic health records, and medical research.
Government: E-governance, online services, and digital infrastructure.
Entertainment: creating, designing & playing game, cartoons, music etc.

Benefits of ICT
Improved efficiency: Automation and streamlining of processes.
Enhanced communication: Faster and more convenient communication.
Increased access: Global access to information and services.
Economic growth: Creation of new jobs and opportunities. Etc.

IT (Information Technology)

IT (Information Technology) : refers to the use of computers, software, and networks to manage, process, and store various types of data. IT has transformed the way we live and work, enabling faster communication, improved efficiency, and better decision making. It has also created new opportunities for economic growth and development.

Key Differences :
1. Scope: IT focuses on the technology used for managing, processing, and storing data, while ICT includes both IT and communication technologies.
2. Communication: ICT includes communication technologies such as telecommunications and broadcasting, while IT does not.
3. Usage: IT is used primarily in business and industry, while ICT is used in both business and personal contexts.

Communication modes

Communication modes : refer to the various ways in which information is exchanged between individuals, groups, or organizations. In communication systems, there are three primary modes of communication: Simplex, Half-Duplex, and Full-Duplex. Simplex mode is one-way communication, Half-Duplex mode is two-way communication with alternating transmission, and Full-Duplex mode is two-way communication with simultaneous transmission and reception.

1. Simplex Mode
• One-way communication, where only one party can transmit information.
• The other party can only receive information and cannot respond.
• Examples: Radio broadcasting, television, and a loudspeaker.

2. Half-Duplex Mode
• Two-way communication, but only one party can transmit at a time.
• The parties take turns transmitting and receiving information.
• Examples: Walkie-talkies, citizen's band (CB) radios, and some satellite communications.

3. Full-Duplex Mode
• Two-way communication, where both parties can transmit and receive information simultaneously.
• Both parties can talk and listen at the same time.
• Examples: Telephone conversations, video conferencing, and most modern computer networks.

Cyber ethics

Cyber ethics (also known as Computer Ethics/ Netiquette) : refers to the moral principles and values that guide the use of technology, particularly in the digital realm. It involves the responsible and respectful use of computers, internet, and other digital technologies.

Key Principles of Cyber Ethics:
1. Respect for Privacy: Protecting personal information and respecting the privacy of others online.
2. Honesty and Integrity: Being truthful and transparent in online interactions and avoiding deception.
3.Responsibility: Taking responsibility for one's actions online and avoiding harm to others.
4. Fairness and Justice: Promoting fairness and justice online, and avoiding discrimination and harassment.
5. Respect for Intellectual Property: Respecting the intellectual property rights of others, including copyright and patents.

Importance of Cyber Ethics:
1. Protects Individuals: Cyber ethics helps protect individuals from online harm, such as identity theft and cyberbullying.
2. Promotes Trust: Cyber ethics promotes trust in online transactions and interactions.
3. Fosters Responsible Behavior: Cyber ethics encourages responsible behavior online, reducing the risk of cybercrime and other negative consequences.
4. Supports Digital Citizenship: Cyber ethics is essential for digital citizenship, which involves using technology in a way that is respectful, responsible, and ethical.







